Monday, July 20, 2009

The Sky's the limit

Star performers lead thier team to greater heights.

When your company's employees work together as a team,they multiply their effectiveness.
The people who get ahead are the people who willing to reach out for additional responsiblity.They perform beyond their job descriptions,volunteering for additional activities and promoting new ideas.

2.Share knowledge
In today competitive world,nobody knows everyhing about doing have to share your knowledge and expertise with others.Just as importantly,you have to able to tap the expertise of the people you work with.

3.Manage yourself
Productive salesman do not need a manager to look over their shoulders all the time.They know what needs to be done,and thy do it without being told.They regulate their work commitments,manage their time,monitor their performance and take responsibility for their career growth.

4.Be a team player
The most valuable people in any organisation are team players who look for ways to coodinate their efforts with others.They work to achieve the goals of the group,and are willing to their exert their efforts in the areas of their expertise.

5.Be a leader
No one can make you a leader by bestowing a title on you.Some of the most effective leaders are simply because people are willing to follow them.They are good at helping their group achieve consensus on common goals and at developing plan for achieving these goals.

6.Be a follower
There is a difference between a follower an a underling.Followers look for way for help their leader achieve their objectives.Underlings wait for the leaders to give the specific orders and instructions.Folower think for themselves,but share their thinking with he group.Underling would rather let someone else do the thinking.

7.Right perspective
People who have perspective see the big picture.They understand how their jobs relate to their company's overall mission.Salesman with perspective can put themselves in the shoes of the customer with a quality problem.Staffers can put hemselves in the shoes of managers can see things from the staffers;s viewpoint.

8.Be a communicator
Successful salesman are able to present their ideas clearly and forcefully,either orally or in writting.They do not keep information and ideas to themselves,but generously share hem with their co-workers.

9.Know the knowledge
Every organisation has its competing interests.Successful people know that what might be ideal for their department or work centre might be counterproductive for the organisation as a whole.They cooperate for the greater good,do their part to resolve conflicts,and concentrate on getting things done.

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